Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Compassion, Sympathy and Kind Wishes

Card title: Snow in Summer Card title: Gentle Healing. These two designs above can be blank or may include the following greeting inside: May you be surrounded with loving care and gentle healing at this time. Card title: Snow Geese Migration. Inside:As you journey into new rhythms of life I wish you gentle transitions and blessings of peace.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

send a sunny greeting ~ blank notecards

These sunflower designs are blank. All greeting cards are 5x7, printed on durable card stock in vibrant ink. Make someone's day bright. Send a jennydiddit greeting card today! Card titles clockwise from top left: Enlightened, Jeffery's Sunflower, Brooke's Sunflower, Muse in Blue.

friendship, love, encouragement and compassion cards

These eight designs, with greetings inside, are best sellers. To order, email Sets available. All cards can be greeted or blank. The "jennydiddit" logo across the front is a watermark and will not be on your original card.

The world is yours.
Take wing
Fulfill your dreams.

As you reflect upon the lives
of those you love
may the memories be brilliant
and easily recalled.

May your soul be cradled
May you be surrounded in light
May your heart be comforted
Day and night.

The pieces of our lives balance simply.
And the gift of your friendship
rests effortlessly on top.

The sunshine is calling your name.
Have a warm "chill" day.

No matter where I go
No matter what I do
I'm absolutely thrilled
to be on this trip with you.

It is a pleasure to share
in your comforting friendship.
Thank you for being you.

Your authentic heart is
my undeniable delight.